Financial Statement Services...

We provide financial statements, so you know your financial results


At Jibe Accounting, we strive to ensure that your financial results have properly been communicated to you. We take pride in ensuring that our clients understand their financial results so that they can make better business decisions.


Jibe Accounting will provide you with a Notice to Reader on a timely basis so that your business users have the information that they need to make a more informed decision. This will ensure that better business decisions are made and there are no delays in getting the loan that your small business needs.


Our Chartered Accountant's at Jibe Accounting in Calgary focus on ensuring that your small business financial statements are properly and accurately prepared. As a small business owner, you should be able to make better financial business decisions based on your company's financial situation.

Financial Statement Services

At Jibe Accounting, we commit time, energy and professional expertise to help our clients with preparing business financial statements in Calgary. Professionally compiled business financial statements in Calgary makes it a lot easier for all users of the financial statements to understand exactly what the numbers really mean. Reliable and accurate business financial statements is integral to any business and is generally considered an important tool to make sound business decisions.

Often the need for business financial statements is driven by the need to file tax returns (personal, corporate and trust), minimize, plan and determine tax liabilities and support business decisions. Most sets of business financial statements in Calgary of owner-managed enterprises are prepared for one or more of three groups of users: managers, owners and banks or other creditors.

Business financial statements can include a balance sheet, income statement, statement of equity, a cash flow statement and notes.

Notice to Reader

At Jibe Accounting, our professionals at the firm determine the appropriate level of reporting by gathering extensive information about your company, its operating environment, and strengths and weaknesses. In addition to identifying the client’s needs, it is also necessary to identify the needs of other users of the financial statements.

Notice to Readers – business financial statements prepared without audit or review. As Chartered Accountants in Calgary we compile business financial statements for clients and present information that is a “representation of management” and expresses no opinion or assurance on the statements.

A Notice to Reader is generally what a small business in Calgary requires for lending and internal management analysis. As a Chartered Accountant in Calgary, we provide our client’s with a signed off Notice to Reader so that the users of your financial statements can trust it.


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